Sunday, September 27, 2009

A skip in time ... Cambodia

It has been a while since I had time to log into internet ...
we made it thru Thailand only to wish we had more time there !
We will fill you in with the details later.

We are now in Cambodia.
Since we had to cut our Thailand part short (due to 15 day visa) we got to Cambodia sooner than we had planned.

We started in Phnom Penh - along our travels we were told that the trip up the river to Siem Reap was very lovely to see and experience.

Phnom Penh was very nice the first day - we walked around town seeing the sights and enjoying the surroundings (except for feeling a little guilty about being from the USA - and the notes about us causing the overtaking of and genocides initated by by Poll Pot). We saw great memorials and parks - interesting neighborhoods and ate a great $1. lunch at the Russian Market. The temples were run down not too interesting, beu we had a lot to look forward to about Angkor Wat.
The second day we went to the north side of the city and had a frightening day - full of beggars/homeless and actually being scared about people and our safety!

We did take the boat trip out to Siem Reap 7 a.m.- found a great place to stay - $15. which seems to be our basic amount for a nice room (although we got as low as $7 in Phenom Pen).
We have really been enjoying getting out and seeing the ruin/temples ... hired a tuk-tuk driver for approx. $12. a day to take us here and there. Can't explain how amazing the architecture is - details, size ... every one is different and special in some way ... Saving the best for last (Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom).
Tomorrow we head out to Vietnam, but we have a full day planned before getting to the airport.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thailand - Starting on the beach!

We decided to take a boat over to Thailand - weather was great, the ride was smooth and fast ... however boating across allows you a 15 day visa (instead of the 30 days we were expecting - 17 days planned). Not sure what to do about it this minute ... so off to Krabi and over to Ko Phi Phi for some beach and sun! The weather was overcast, but we still got around okay. The island is more for 20 somethings looking for partying ... we found a great quiet place off the beaten path. Signed up for a snorkel trip the next day - but it was cancelled due to the rain. Late morning the weather cleared some - so we and hiked to the other side of the island and snorkeled on our own! Really nice swim and sights, not to mention it felt great to get out. We looked into diving certification, but the weather seemed gloom. Since it is monsoon season in the west - we decided to leave the beaches and spend extra time in the mountains and north. Next day we had a ferry ticket to head out - the weather was fabulous and sunny - got a last sunburn on the ride to land!

Langkawi Island

What an Island ... and our last stop in Malaysia. We absolutely loved the place, although we found it expensive. Beaches were awesome - went on forever. We took a ride over to the Telange Tujuh and Seven Wells - great water falls and springs you can really climb around on and swim in - right next to it was cable cars to the top of the mountain. Spectacular views you could really see the potential of the island - it is going to be something great - resorts ...
Weather was perfect sunshine and a cool breeze. Could stay a long time here, but we were excited to get to Thailand!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Penang, Georgetown - North East Malaysia

We had a great bus ride to Penang - We shared the van with another couple - from London, England - Helen and Richard. They had traveled all over Europe/Asia so we listened / shared stories and advice for the 5.5 hour drive. Once in town we had a plan and found a very simple, but clean room in centrally loacated China town. We were a little disappointed in the town itself - a lot of city attractions were closed due to Ramadan. So we planned a bus trip to Penang Hill for the next day - the ride out to the suburbs was a nice change from the city which was a little run-down feeling. The rail ride to the top of Penang hill was smooth and the views were wonderful, although foggy. We decided to walk down (instead of ride) and end the trip at the Botanical Gardens - Steep 5K walk, but nice, of course the monkeys gave Scott a bit of trouble. Once down - we did walk thru the gardens and then down the street to see a few temples. Amazing detail and sculpture - We also saw the largest reclining Buddha - (felt like being in Graceland - lol). Had a cheap, but well needed and deserved) meal in the Gurney Market - a blend of Chinese and Malay food - We had a fish soup, won tons and a chicken rice for under $4.
Tomorrow we are off to Langkawi Island.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Perhentian Islands - Malaysia

Talk about relaxing ... We are on the "small island" Kecil - There are a few beach areas scattered about with places to stay, restaurants and dive/snorkel shops - each very small and intimate. No roads what-so-ever, everyone travels by boat - ocean is a deep and clean turquoise blue. First we landed/stayed on Long Beach - now at Coral Bay. Electric is available in our rooms from 7pm to 7am (lights and fans). We have been spending the days snorkeling. Great day yesterday - With 2 Brits and our guide Yuseff - we saw; and swam, with turtles, sharks, squid ... there are some really great coral out here to check out - no starfish?!!! Some reading on the beach - evening BBQ's with freshly caught fish. I took a short hike today around the coast line to explore the south end. All of it refreshing and at a slow pace - we are getting used to it. Tomorrow we rent a kayak to check out a few spots on our own!